2023 Money Challenge

day 1

It's Kick Off!

Hi there, it’s Zoe here, Verve’s Head Financial Coach. Today is all about inspo, getting started, and learning about other members at our event and in our facebook community.

Today is important, because when we feel like we’re part of a supportive community behavioural science tells us that we’re more likely to feel positive and energetic about achieving our goals. 

Take a read below of how the community responded to yesterday’s money health quiz – there’s no right or wrong answers, wherever you’re at with money, you’re in the perfect place to be here!

See you tonight!

Tasks for today

1. Join the Verve Money facebook group and say hi.  We’ll be using the group as a source of inspo and accountability and a space for you to ask questions to our coaches (it’s not necessary that you join if facebook is not your thing). 

2.  Click here to see how our community responded to yesterday’s money health quiz. 

3. Watch the Challenge Kick Off Event to fill yourself with inspiration and tap into the collective wisdom of the challenge community. As you listen, join in using the interactive docs below:

Inspiring Goals

Healthy Money Habits

Strength Statements

Word of the day… 


 Ok, so, you’re doing this for yourself! But who doesn’t love a good PRIZE. Collect the word of the day each day for 21 days to spell a powerful affirmation. Get the affirmation right, and you’ll be in the draw to win $500 towards your most important financial goal.*

*T&Cs apply


About Verve Money

 Verve Money is an ethical investing app that makes it easy to start investing towards your goals. Best of all, we want you to feel proud of your money. That’s why we seek to invest 20% of our funds in climate solutions.

All deposits and withdrawals are halted as the fund enters wind up. See FAQs for details.