2023 Money Challenge

day 15

Day 15

You’re holding the hose, now it’s time to turn the pressure up! Your goal is created, you have an account set up, and money is going in. Now, let’s turn to how to supercharge your savings.

Aiming to save an extra $10K by the end of the year? It might be easier than you think… or simply, it may be how you think about it.

How much do you need to be saving each day to reach your goal? This week we’ll be sharing tips and taking a small action each day to dial up our savings – small actions add up!


Read this blog on how to break down big goals and save an extra $10,000 a year

If you break your big savings goal down, what does your daily $ contribution equate to? 

Today’s word of the day is: are

Join our Facebook Group to ask questions or connect with like-minds and share your progress by tagging @verve.money and #VMxChallenge

Want to learn more? Verve Money is an investing app that makes it easy to start ethically investing towards your goals. Best of all, we want you to feel proud of your money knowing that we seek to invest 20% of our funds in climate solutions.

All deposits and withdrawals are halted as the fund enters wind up. See FAQs for details.